Coding Through the Night: Unpacking the Aruba Cloud Hackathon Experience

Hey there,

I wanted to share a glimpse into an exhilarating journey our team recently undertook at the Aruba Cloud Hackathon. Picture this: 24 hours of non-stop coding to deploy a website marketplace via Kubernetes. Sounds intense, right? Well, it was.

First off, major props to the organizers for curating an environment that truly tested our mettle. The challenges were well-crafted, pushing us to think on our feet and tackle complex issues. Kudos to them for orchestrating an event that was both challenging and intellectually stimulating.

Our team, a mix of talented individuals: Balázs Bodnár, György Dezsényi, András Váradi-Szabó and Gergely Kőmezei. Your dedication and unique skills played a pivotal role in our success, and I’m grateful for the collaborative spirit that defined our journey.

I was partly responsible for frontend development using Tailwind CSS. Crafting a seamless and visually appealing user interface brought its own set of challenges, but it was a rewarding experience, made easier by the unwavering support of my team.

In a delightful turn of events, our hard work paid off, earning us a Startup support package valued at 15,000,000 Ft. This recognition is not just a feather in our cap but also a springboard for future endeavors.

The Aruba Cloud Hackathon was more than a coding competition; it was a shared experience of growth and discovery. As I reflect on those 24 hours, I’m reminded that challenges, when met with dedication and collaboration, lead to meaningful success.

So, here’s to pushing boundaries, overcoming challenges, and embracing the journey. Onward and upward, my friends!

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